Rural Residence, Farming and Manufactured Housing (R-F-M)
Purpose - To conserve the integrity and natural qualities of rural open space for the betterment and
future use of the community, and to provide for areas where manufactured housing units can be
harmoniously situated on residential lots.
Minimum Lot Area - 80,000 square feet
Maximum Net Residential Density - 1 dwelling per 2 acres
Rural Residence and Farming (R-F)
Purpose - To conserve the integrity and natural qualities of rural open space for the betterment and
future use of the community.
Min. - 80,000 sq. ft.
Max. - 1 dwelling per 2 acres
Residential (R-2)
Purpose - To provide residential areas of low density in a manner which will promote a
wholesome living environment.
Min. - 20,000 sq. ft.
Max. - 2 dwellings per acre
Residential (R-3)
Purpose - To provide residential areas of higher density in a manner which will promote a
wholesome living environment.
Min. - 15,000 sq. ft. (sewered), 20,000 sq. ft. (unscrewed)
Max. - 2 dwellings per acre (unscrewed), 3 dwellings per acre (sewered)
Residential (R-4)
Purpose - To provide residential areas of higher density in a manner which will promote a
wholesome living environment.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft. (sewered), 20,000 sq. ft. (unscrewed)
Max. - 2 dwellings per acre (unscrewed), 4 dwellings per acre (sewered)
Residential (R-4A)
Purpose - To provide residential areas of higher density in a manner which will promote a
wholesome living environment.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
Max. - 4 dwellings per acre
Residential and Professional Office (RPO)
Purpose - To provide a transitional or buffer area between residential areas and more intensive
commercial districts. It is a district generally limited to small and moderate scale business and
professional office uses located in buildings compatible with adjacent residential areas.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
Local Business (B-1)
Purpose - To provide local retail convenience outlets to serve the daily needs of the residents of
the immediate neighborhood.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
Town and Village Centers (TVC)
Purpose - To provide areas for the location of small and moderate scale retail and service
establishments which are intended to and are likely to serve primarily the local market and the
convenience of Town residents. The goal is to encourage the creation and maintenance of village
and town centers, with development at a scale which is compatible with surrounding areas,
particularly surrounding residential areas.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
General Business (B-2)
Purpose - To provide general retail sales, services, and business space that allows miscellaneous
neighborhood and community-wide sales and service but are not intended primarily to serve the
motoring public passing through on U.S. #1. It is primarily a local business and storage district but
allows uses of a larger scale than are generally appropriate for a B-1 district.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
Highway Business (B-H)
Purpose - To provide general retail sales, services, and business space in locations capable of
conveniently servicing community wide and / or regional trade areas, and oriented primarily to
automobile access. Large space users should preferable be located in highway business districts.
Min. - 10,000 sq. ft.
Industrial (I)
Purpose - To provide districts within the Town of Scarborough for manufacturing, processing,
treatment, research, warehousing, storage and distribution, where there is no danger of explosion or
other hazard to health or safety, and to which end all the performance standards as set forth in this
ordinance and all other applicable ordinance of the Town of Scarborough shall apply.
Min. - 20,000 sq. ft.