Last week Scarborough Land Trust volunteers and staff members installed a split rail fence at Fuller Farm as part of larger efforts to improve the property. The fence was generously donated by Ron Forest and Sons and provides a picturesque backdrop to views of the field from the parking area. Other improvements at Fuller Farm property include rerouting the Hayfield Trail and increasing parking capacity, which are projects that have become of particular high demand since visitation to Fuller Farm has increased since the start of the pandemic. These improvements were made to protect and restore the habit of nesting bobolinks and to make this property more accessible and enjoyable for visitors. Becca Ferguson, SLT’s newest staff member, commented, “It was really wonderful to see the dedication of our volunteers in action. They showed up over several days to help out with the installation, and the new fence looks amazing!” Special thanks to Ron Forest and Sons, all who turned out to help, and the supporters who have donated to the Fuller Farm Improvement Fund.