by Rita Breton, Board Member
Fred Emerson, who passed away in 2018, was a very quiet, shy person who led a private life. He lived alone in Scarborough for only a few years during his retirement. Yet when he was ready to make plans for his estate, he contacted the Land Trust about making a generous planned gift.
In addition to this planned gift, he also made additional provisions for the Land Trust in his will. We have dedicated these generous gifts to our endowment, which was started in 2017 on our 40th anniversary with a $40,000 gift from another wonderful supporter of the Land Trust.
Though Fred never brought much attention to himself, we want to publicly recognize his generosity by dedicating to him the magnificent, signature elm tree at Pleasant Hill Preserve. It stands at the gateway of this beautiful property next to Eleanor’s Trail, which Fred would also appreciate as it provides easier access for many seniors, among other members of our community. We sincerely thank Fred for his generous, visionary gift which will benefit the Land Trust for many years to come.